Online Casino

Top Winners Losers Week Online Poker

We might have seen millions in the pot at many live poker games, but trust me people that’s not the only place for action, in fact, Online poker is always heated up with some intense action, where the best professionals in the sport rule the game with their pseudo names.

Just because online poker is not and cannot be televised, people miss the action. I was watching a high stake online poker game where one player had really made some big profits like about a few hundred grand, I decided to search for some statistics of top winners and losers this week in casinos with trustly rating that I can share with my readers here at pokermix.

The research led me to some surprising figures. These are the statistics I found courtesy of

Topping the chart of winners for this week is Ilari Sahamies. With his username “Ilari FIN” playing on PokerStars has made a staggering profit of over a million dollars in the last seven days, adding 1.5 million to his account in the last three weeks.

A major chunk of that profit came from the man who recently dazzled the world of online poker with his high stake game Viktor Blom, username “Isildur1″. (My personal favorite)In fact, the two played the biggest PLO pot so far this year, a $268k monster that ended up on Ilari FIN’s side of the table

Viktor was on a pretty good run earlier this week playing on $100/$200 Six-Max PLO games with his aggressive style (It’s a treat to watch him play online poker), but sadly lost his winnings in heads-up against Sahamies and Phil Galfond.

Here’s the list of top winners this week in Online poker :

  1. Ilari “Ilari FIN” Sahamies: +$1,078,700
  2. Phil “MrSweets28” Galfond: +$333,449
  3. takechip: +$217,603
  4. Skjervoy: +$202,846
  5. alexeimartov: +$185,631
  6. tr1cky7: +$134,293
  7. beinto1982: +$100,385
  8. onehandturks: +$73,991
  9. EasyPots: +$67,603
  10. KidAci: +$63,845

On the downside for this week, the big swing continues for Theo Jorgensen. Username “Theo J” unfortunately is leading the charts where no one would want to be.

Theo “Theo J” Jorgensen was absolutely worn out in the $100/$200 Six-Max PLO games on PokerStars this week by an astonishing $279,093. Along with him were Ben “Sauce123” Sulsky and LuckyGump were also among the names who lost big this week.

Jorgensen a very well known live poker player tried his hand at online poker this week and unfortunately lost $279k with only 2,025 hands,

Bad beats lead Ronny “1-ronnyr3” Kaiser more than a quarter-million down who was up in the winners list until late Thursday.

e poker :

  1. Theo “Theo J” Jorgensen: -$279,093
  2. Zypherin: -$236,675
  3. RealAndyBeal: -$172,241
  4. gavz101: -$132,500
  5. Terken89: -$131,51
  6. 1-ronnyr3: -$131,116
  7. socutiesf: -$128,343
  8. Sauce123: -$115,460
  9. LuckyGump: -$91,768
  10. aba20: -$81,998

Downswings are a part of online poker, but the amount of it is very important and should be kept in check. This was about the players who have years of experience in playing online poker, but free advice for my readers who are new at this game is to follow the bankroll management rules and you will be able to build up your bankroll smoothly online poker.

Important Tips For Roulette

Winning a Roulette game in any of the trusted online casino Malaysia isn’t a very easy task. It requires luck and adroitness with the systematic implementation of some schemes involved. There are countless Roulette tips which will definitely help you climb the ladder of success. They will help you earn more and more money and will streamline your losses incurred in gambling. The gamblers make use of these tips and strategies involved and grow into winners. What you need to do is just follow it systematically and the rest is on your luck and cleverness. And the Roulette tips described here are worth to opt and implement as they lead you closer to success.

Make sure that the Roulette system that you play on is simple to operate, less crowded, and bets on the outside table position. There is no need for any kind of remuneration for the roulette system. The best thing to sport on is on the wide variety of range then it is of colors or numbers like the black or red, the even or odd, the low or high, the columns or the dozens. It may sound strange but for the proper functionality of a roulette system, it is necessary to implement it and the consequences will prove the rest.

The roulette has nothing to do with the previous result but still to make further predictions easy; it is advisable to examine the previous numbers on the roulette and observe the roulette system carefully. This tip has highly been in limelight and is applied by great gamblers to increase their earnings. And obtaining the former numbers in a casino or online roulette is not difficult. All have the facility of showcasing the former numbers obtained from spinning.

If a beginner in the gambling field, practice it once before you put your hand on the roulette system. It’s advisable to play it without betting your earnings initially to let you be compatible with it. It’s an optional tip but will be very essential during the cash table transaction. Better is to let the wheel rotate and number achieved without putting in the money at first go. This practice session will reveal some hidden facts and the experience obtained will make the casino roulette game easy to operate.

Always remember that you are playing to win the game, if you start losing then do not cross the limit set by you to play. Sport your money according to the extent you can yield to the losses. Do not be stubborn and strong-willed to earn the money lost and keep betting out of the limit. It is advisable to gamble with the initial amounts you had come with and save the money possessed from winning the roulette. Be considerate and concentrate on the game to earn more money not to challenge your competitors.

Out of the two roulette tables, European and American table, go for the European Roulette table. This table gives more advantage to the gambler than to the casino as compared to the American roulette table.

How the Online Casino Bonus Originated

As gambling went online, a number of new concepts developed to accommodate the new way of doing things. The sign up bonus or the welcome bonus was one such concept that started way back in the late 90s when the internet gambling industry was just beginning to find its feet. Back then, there was relatively less competition and fewer players. To correct this problem of few takers in the internet gambling industry, operators of casinos hit upon the idea of offering bonuses to all the players who joined the casino. This was like an incentive for new members to join, and back then, the bonuses were quite generous as compared to today. The player would deposit a small sum of money in the casino and get an amount equal to or greater than the deposit to try out the casino without risking too much of his own money.

The principle of the casino sign up bonus remains the same even today, but the rules have become much more complicated. In the early days after the birth of the internet gambling industry, there were few casinos; the competition was less which meant the player could actually walk away with a profit. There were fewer choices available to the player and no watch dog organizations were around to monitor and regulate online gambling. Players therefore remained with the internet casino site that they found to be safe and trustworthy.

Over the years, the internet gambling industry expanded and more casinos came into the market to take advantage of this lucrative business. The online casino industry found a new visibility and new watch dog organizations and regulatory bodies sprang up. With a large number of new casinos coming up, players now had a wide choice – they could jump from casino to casino, take the benefit of the sign up bonus and move on to a new internet gambling site. Abuse of the bonus terms, deceptive means of obtaining more than one bonus and fraudulent activity by players was something that became very common.

In this kind of a situation, the internet casinos were losing out, as they could no longer afford the casino bonus offers on the current terms, which, back then were quite moderate. The player had to wager the bonus and the deposit a certain number of times before they could cash out the winnings made from a bonus. However, the wagering requirements were simple and easily attainable back then. For example, a deposit of $50 earned a bonus of $50, with five times wagering requirement. In this case, the player would have to place bets totaling to $500 if he wanted to cash out his bonus winnings. Also, bonus betting was allowed on pretty much all the casino games.

Sign up bonuses are quite common in the casino industry today, but the wagering conditions have drastically increased. On the face of it, the bonus may appear lucrative with a 200% or even 400% match. But once you read the terms and conditions attached to it, you find that opting for the bonus is not profitable for you but serves the purpose of the online casino. So make sure to choose the best internet casinos and read the terms and conditions carefully before making a deposit. Most of the games are excluded for bonus wagering and very often the bonus and deposit needs to be wagered more than 30 or 40 times. In fact, some players no longer opt for the sign up bonus these days, simply because the wagering requirements are too steep and generally unachievable.

The change in the constitution of the welcome bonus offer has no doubt restricted the fraudulent practices that some online gamblers adopted in the past, but for the player it is no longer a profitable proposition. Finding a good sign up bonus deal with reasonable wagering requirements is extremely difficult and even if you do, you must be extremely lucky to take home a profit.